The Rebuilding Alliance

Slogan Rebuilding Communities -- Making Them Safe
Established 2003
Exec. Dir. Donna Baranski-Walker
Chairman Alan Kaufman
Headquarters Palo Alto, California
United States
Membership Over 20,000
Founder Donna Baranski-Walker,

The Rebuilding Alliance (TRA) is a non-profit organization that rebuilds homes and communities in regions of war and occupation.

TRA advocates for government policies towards these regions based on human rights and international law. Through a mutual commitment to justice, TRA has created alliances among supporters, partners, and those who suffer injustice and violence, yet resist through rebuilding. TRA projects are symbols of hope that help rebuild shattered communities and offer people around the world immediate ways to make peace, starting with the tangible support of a family's right to a home.

A primary activity of the group is the Rachel Corrie Rebuilding Campaign in Gaza. With over 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza made homeless since 2000, The Rebuilding Alliance partnered with the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme to rebuild homes, schools, and communities. The starting point was the rebuilding of the home that Rachel sought to protect.

Rachel Corrie, 23 years old, was killed on March 16, 2003 as she protected the Nasrallah family from the Israeli Army bulldozer that threatened their home. On May 24, 2007 construction was completed, thanks to funds raised by The Rebuilding Alliance. The family will move into their new home in late July after their son finishes his Tawjihi exams.